não interessa muito o que faço, interessa é observar o processo do pensamento, o como. o que ocorre. de onde vem? onde começa? qual a sua raiz. my life is happening and I don't want to be part of it. better, life is happen, there is not my life (although I can live without this I, can only understand it intellectually so life is happening, and because the thought there is no one to experience it, because "I" am not there. There are no true attention, no true presence. The root of the thought is I should be, I should be doing this, with this I can do that, I can be like that. It's always a escape. The thought that ultimately rules my mind is: with this I will be doing this, professionally, I can be famous. That is Saturn. I've been studying astrology. I do and my mind says that I shouldn't. The thing is that the studying is not being profound enough. Because I am not, I cannot study well. I feel that writing allows me to understand a certain of thin
Conhecimento científico com uma pitada de desconhecido. Por Flávia Sardinha